Launch reading by Ana Blandiana, Krisztina Tóth & Charlotte Van den Broeck with their translators
Join Bloodaxe for this online launch reading by our three February authors and their translators Paul Scott Derrick, Viorica Patea, George Szirtes & David Colmer. Wed...
I can’t stop the day from lasting twenty-four hours.
I can only say:
Forgive me for the length of the day.
I can’t stop silkworms from turning into butterflies.
I can only ask you to forgive me
For the silkworm, for the butterfly.
Forgive me if flowers turn into fruit
The fruit into seeds, the seeds into trees.
Forgive me if springs turn into rivers,
Rivers into seas, seas into oceans.
Forgive me if love turns into new-born babies,
New-born babies into loneliness, and loneliness into love…
No. I can’t stop anything.
Everything follows its course.
Nothing consults with me –
Not the last grain of sand, not even my blood.
I can only ask you to
Forgive me.
In My Sleep
Sometimes, in my sleep
I happen to scream,
Only in my sleep,
And frightened by my own audacity
I wake up,
And I listen,
In the disciplined calm of night, for
Screams in my neighbours’ sleep.
But wise neighbours only scream
When they’re sure
That they dream they’re asleep,
In a sleep within sleep
Where no one can hear them
And they can say whatever they want.
What freedom to make a racket
There must be there
In a sleep within sleep.
Do you remember how good
It was, enclosed forever in
The egg on the waters
Where the universe fits,
A single being, complete inside
And all self-sufficient,
Light afloat on light?
Do you remember how we floated there?
Love with no yearning
Only reflecting itself, speechless
And content, like a spring,
Pain hadn’t yet been invented,
Loneliness didn’t exist.
The word was not yet born.
Who was to blame? When did it end?
The perfect egg was split in two,
It broke into heaven and earth
And suddenly the world grew lonely –
Do you remember how new it had all become –
When the blade passed between us
Reinventing us, one by one?
Do you remember how the cells
Divided themselves and the terror
Of blood that wanted to flow
Through a single body?
The earth reached up into the trees
And the sky was tangled in branches
To cover the naked wound
Where they had broken in two.
Do you remember what was wasted,
The feelings and words,
The animals and plants
Running to the same lost shore
And waiting for the end of the world
From which, perhaps, a perfect egg
Will be born, floating on the waters
In the silence of the beginning.
First I throw out
The words, one
By one,
They drop down wisely,
Mating as they
Then the years
Equally distant
One by one,
With a subtle knowledge of gradations;
Then, as on a sinking
Ship, I hurry to throw
Off the ballast,
Everything that can drag me down,
Memories, desires, passions,
Love, and finally,
When there’s nothing left
To cast away,
Not even a coat, however thin,
I take off my wrinkled skin
And the numbed flesh from the bone.
This is the great striptease
I carry out
Almost willingly.
Contents List
13 Introduction
40 Acknowledgements
First Person Plural (1964)
42 Childhood
43 Victors
44 Rain Chant
45 Harvest
46 Pride
47 The Joke
48 Dance in the Rain
Achilles’ Heel (1966)
51 The Gift
52 Return
53 I Know That Purity
54 At That Moment…
55 Intolerance
56 Parents
57 Quarantine
58 Hospital Visiting Hours
59 Eclipse
60 The Change on the Table
61 Concert
62 Cruises
63 We Should Be
64 Torquato Tasso
65 Where Is the Pride?
66 To the Stars
67 The Great Silence
68 Drawing in Pastel
69 The Surface of the Water
70 The Wisdom of the Earth
71 Be Wise
72 Flow
73 Self-portrait in Pastel
74 From Time to Time
75 Morning Elegy
76 Volcanoes
77 Have I Grown Up?
78 From a Village
79 Scherzo
80 I Gave You the Leaves
81 Night Is Falling
82 The Day Will Come
83 I Always Put Off Entering
84 Of Austerity and Naïveté
The Third Sacrament (1969)
87 No Choice
88 Humility
89 You Know Something
90 Ties
91 The Bird
92 The Borderline
93 Eye-blink
94 Oh, Laughing
95 By Our Own Will
96 North
97 Travel
98 Only Love
99 Requiem
100 Song
101 Love
102 The Docile Animal
103 Ancient Anchorites
104 I Hope
105 Grass
106 Far Away
107 Condition
108 The Eyes of Statues
109 Psalm
110 Fatigue
111 While We Still Have Time
112 Alternative
113 Elegy
114 Everything Simple
115 Indecision
116 Contratemps
117 The Fall
118 Pietá
from Fifty Poems (1970)
121 Encounter
122 Let the Words Fall
123 October
124 Frost
125 Up There
126 Psalm (II)
127 Death in the Light
131 The Soul
from Poems (1974)
134 Genealogy
135 Every Movement I Make
136 I’m Drowsy
137 The Ballad of the Custom-house
140 My Beauty Hurts Me
141 Ballad
142 Syllables
143 Between Worlds
144 Maybe Someone Is Dreaming Me
145 When I Wake Up
146 Prayer
Sleep within Sleep (1977)
148 Hills
149 Poem
150 Eyelids
151 In Winter the Stars
152 Shepherd of Snow
153 Native Land
154 A Stork’s Nest
155 As Though the Moon Had Something to Say
156 Hostile Snow
157 Wings
158 Avram Iancu
159 I Hear
160 Hymn
161 Everyone Living in the Village
162 Song
163 I Only Need to Go to Sleep
164 I Mustn’t End
165 I Do Not Sing the Leaf
166 The One Who Dreams Me
167 Covered with Dew
168 We’ve Learnt How to Laugh
169 In the Village I’m Going Back to
170 A Church Filled with Butterflies
171 This Floating
172 Anchor
173 When I’m Living
174 I Come Back to Autumn
175 Early Gathered Grass
176 Monastery of Wind
177 Sea
178 It’s So Cold
179 Sunday
181 At the Mill Pond
182 City of the Eastern Plain
183 In the Country’s Soul
184 Lascivious Fruit
185 In My Sleep
186 Lovers
187 Why?
188 To Stay Here in the Hay
189 Drawing in Pastel
190 Hamlet
191 Alone with Myself
192 Leaves of Animals
193 I Think Clouds
194 A Vase with Wild Daisies
195 Country of Birds
196 Who Said It Was Gold
197 Poplars and Maples
198 When I Grow Old Enough
199 The Morning after Death
The Cricket’s Eye (1981)
203 In Sleep
204 From Over There
204 As If
206 Egg
208 The Land Where Parents Lived
209 Behold
210 I’m Tired
211 Definition
212 Metamorphosis
213 Boat
214 Crossings
215 At Daybreak
216 Hymn
217 Clothing
218 Wonder
219 Inside a Walnut
220 Icons on Glass
221 Hibernation
222 Flight
223 Loneliness
224 Half of the Moon
226 Otherwise
227 Inhabited by a Song
228 In the Water
229 Nighttime on a Bed of Hay
230 The Step
231 One, Two, Three
232 The Line
233 The Name
234 I’m So Cold
235 Armour
236 One More Step
237 A Game
238 The Hunt
239 Shadow
240 Pathway
241 One Day
242 Proof
243 The Shadow of a Blade of Grass
244 Semantics
245 Camouflage
246 In the Deep, Dull Thud
247 Seed
248 Falling
249 Moon Just Touching
250 Brush Pen
251 Earth
252 Question
253 Illumination
254 If
255 Morphology
256 Thank You
257 Mirrors
258 Pity
259 Words
260 Every Trace
261 Nevertheless
262 Postponement
263 Home
264 Wind, Unroll
265 In Memoriam
266 Circle
267 Eleusis
268 Epitaph
269 Over the Tops of Plum Trees
270 I Breathe, I Breathe
271 Vowel
272 How I Would’ve Wished
274 Weave
275 Reflection
276 Instead of
277 Olly Olly Oxen Free
278 Feverish Planet
279 A Sign
280 There Are Some Mornings
281 Portrait with Cherry Earrings