Latest Video
>Arundhathi Subramaniam - Where I Live
>David Constantine - Nine Fathom Deep
>John Agard - Live with Keith Waithe
>Frank Ormsby - The Rain Barrel
>Jessica Traynor - Pit Lullabies
>Kris Johnson - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Adélia Prado - The Mystical Rose
>Alive Alive O - Greta Stoddart
>Yvonne Reddick - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Jen Campbell - Anatomy of the Sea
>Jaan Kaplinski - Estonian poet
>Arundhathi Subramaniam - Live at Ledbury
>Miriam Nash - Love Song for a Keeper
>Bloodaxe Books - 1978-2018
>Tess Gallagher - Midnight Lantern
>Tony Hoagland - Live at Ledbury
>James Berry - Poet of the Windrush Generation
>Ko Un - Live at Aldeburgh Poetry Festival
>Tishani Doshi - Girls Are Coming Out of the Woods
>Charlotte Van den Broeck - Chameleon | Nachtroer
>Anne Stevenson - Seven Poems
>Taha Muhammad Ali - (1931-2011)
>Basil Bunting - Briggflatts
>Imtiaz Dharker - Live in Newcastle
>MacGillivray - trailer for The Nine of Diamonds
>I Think We're Alone Now (at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024) - Abigail Parry
>Frank Ormsby - The Ghost Train
>Jo Clement - Live in Newcastle
>Monster (at NCLA) - Dzifa Benson
>John Agard - Live in Newcastle
>Kerry Hardie - Selected Poems
>Selima Hill - Octagonal Readings
>W.N. Herbert - The Wreck of the Fathership
>Soul Feast - Seven poems
>Nick Drake - Poems on climate change
>Out of Sri Lanka - eight poets
>David Constantine - Seven poems
>Nick Drake - Poems from Out of Range
>Jen Campbell - Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
>Katie Donovan - Rootling
>Ahren Warner - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Benjamin Zephaniah - To Do Wid Me
>Katie Donovan - May Swim
>Wayne Holloway-Smith - Alarum
>Miriam Gamble - What Planet
>Tishani Doshi - A God at the Door
>Leanne O'Sullivan - The Mining Road
>Tomas Tranströmer - Nobel Laureate
>Out of Sri Lanka - Newcastle launch
>Piotr Sommer - in English & Polish
>Tishani Doshi - Girls Are Coming Out of the Woods (poetry/dance)
>Louis de Paor - Live at Ledbury
>Hannah Lowe - Joe Harriott poems
>Tomas Venclova - Lithuanian Poet
>Wayne Holloway-Smith - the posh mums are boxing in the square
>Tony Hoagland - Four Poems
>Collected Poems (at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024) - Fleur Adcock
>Marjorie Lotfi - Reading from The Wrong Person to Ask at NCLA
>Galway Kinnell - (1927-2014)
>Aleš Šteger - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival
>In Person: World Poets - sampler one
>Carolyn Forché - The Country Between Us
>Frank Ormsby - A Northern Spring
>Wayne Holloway-Smith - Love Minus Love
>Phoebe Stuckes - Platinum Blonde
>Priscila Uppal - Successful Tragedies
>Abigail Parry - The Quilt
>Keith Hutson - Baldwin's Catholic Geese
>Amali Rodrigo - The Lotus Gatherers
>Jane Griffiths - Another Country
>David Constantine - Elder
>Ruth Fainlight - Reads six poems
>Kaycee Hill - Reading from Hot Sauce at NCLA
>Imtiaz Dharker - Five Poems
>Roy Fisher - The Long and the Short of It
>John Challis - Live in Newcastle
>Nick Drake - Poems on love and loss
>In Person: World Poets - for International Women's Day
>Philip Levine - Stranger to Nothing
>MacGillivray - The Gaelic Garden of the Dead
>Jane Hirshfield - Seven poems
>Pascale Petit - Tiger Girl
>Helen Dunmore - Six Poems
>Esther Jansma - What It Is
>Louis de Paor - reads in Irish & English
>John Agard - Playing the Ghost of Maimonides
>Selima Hill - Men Who Feed Pigeons
>Ruth Stone - What Love Comes To
>Hannah Lowe - Live in Newcastle
>Mapping the Future - The Complete Works Poets
>Patricia Smith - Live in Newcastle
>Patricia Smith - Map Rappin'
>Carole Satyamurti - Eight Poems
>Amali Gunasekera - Masala Festival
>Luljeta Lleshanaku - Haywire
>In the Lateness of the World (Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024) - Carolyn Forché
>Ailbhe Darcy - After my son was born
>Mark Waldron - Sweet, like Rinky-Dink
>Doris Kareva - Days of Grace
>Frieda Hughes - Alternative Values
>Mark Waldron - Live at Ledbury
>Sarah Holland-Batt - The Jaguar: 3
>A Change in the Air (at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024) - Jane Clarke
>Miriam Gamble - Wonderland
>Jack Mapanje - Prison poems
>John Agard - Listen Mr Oxford Don
>CK Williams - (1936-2015)
>Ken Smith - 3 Docklands Fragments
>David Constantine - Belongings
>Keith Hutson - Accept No Imitations
>The Jaguar: Selected Poems (at NCLA) - Sarah Holland-Batt
>Jane Commane - Live at Ledbury
>Frank Ormsby - A Store of Candles
>Jane Clarke - When the Tree Falls
>Tony Hoagland - The American Poetic Voice
>Peter Didsbury - Scenes from a Long Sleep
>Grace Nichols - Live in Newcastle
>David Constantine - On Friedrich Hölderlin
>André Naffis-Sahely - Live in Newcastle
>David Constantine - Poems on environmental destruction
>Stewart Conn - The Touch of Time
>Bernardine Evaristo - Mapping the Future
>David Constantine - A Bird Called Elaeus
>Richard Murphy - Sailing to an Island
>Imtiaz Dharker - Poems for schools
>Nikola Madzirov - Remnants of Another Age
>Pascale Petit - Jungle Owlet
>Patricia Smith - That Chile Emmett in That Casket
>Shadow Reader (at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024) - Imtiaz Dharker
>Ailbhe Darcy - Insistence
>Rita Ann Higgins - Live at Ledbury
>Frank Ormsby - Poems for Seamus Heaney
>Ken Smith in Berlin - Five poems
>Abigail Parry - I Think We're Alone Now
>Jenny Joseph - reads her poetry
>Ana Blandiana - My Native Land A4
>Out of Sri Lanka - eight poets
>Patricia Smith - Incendiary Art
>Clare Shaw - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Frank Ormsby - The Darkness of Snow
>Selima Hill - Women in Comfortable Shoes
>Ken Smith - A Film Portrait
>Imtiaz Dharker - Speech Balloon & other poems
>Elizabeth Alexander - American Blue
>Imtiaz Dharker - Shadow Reader
>Jen Campbell - Netted (in Geordie)
>MacGillivray - An introduction toRavage
>Maura Dooley - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Naomi Shihab Nye - Reads from Tender Spot
>Miriam Nash - Live at Ledbury
>Jane Clarke - Live at Ledbury
>Choman Hardi - Considering the Women
>Pia Tafdrup - reads in English & Danish
>Katie Donovan - Off Duty
>Mark Waldron - Live at Newcastle
>Tishani Doshi - Everything Begins Elsewhere
>Philip Gross - The Wasting Game
>Karen Solie - The Living Option
>MacGillivray - reads from The Nine of Diamonds
>Frank Ormsby - The Parkinson's Poems
>Sarah Holland-Batt - The Jaguar: 1
>Robert Adamson - Poet of the Hawkesbury River
>Choman Hardi - A Day for Love
>Ravage: a film - MacGillivray
>Frank Ormsby - Goat's Milk
>Imtiaz Dharker - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Sarah Holland-Batt - The Jaguar: 2
>Helen Dunmore - The Malarkey
>Benjamin Zephaniah - To Do Wid Me (TRAILER)
>Antonella Anedda - with Jamie McKendrick
>Matthew Hollis - Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2023
>Maura Dooley - Seven Poems
>Keith Hutson - Glasgow Empire
>Miriam Gamble - The Oak That Was Not There
>Patricia Smith - Reading at Newcastle Poetry Festival 2024
>Shazea Quraishi - Masala Festival
>Keith Hutson - The Audience
>Thomas Lux - (1946-2017)
>Patricia Smith - Sagas of the Accidental Saint
>Brenda Shaughnessy - Liquid Flesh
>Abigail Parry - Pasodoble with Lizards
>Jen Campbell - Girl Lunar
>Jane Hirshfield & Maria Stepanova - Launch event
>Matthew Sweeney - Inquisition Lane
>Jennifer Maiden - Intimate Geography