Mark Waldron Readings
Mark Waldron's fifth collection, A Straight Up Giant, was published by Bloodaxe in June 2023. It follows Sweet, like Rinky-Dink, which was published by Bloodaxe in May 2019, three years after the publication of his third collection Meanwhile, Trees.
Mark gives brilliant readings, performing from memory. He filmed himself reading five poems from Sweet, like Rinky-Dink - see below and on the title page.
The Poetry Review podcast: half-hour interview with Mark Waldron. Among many other things, he spoke to Emily Berry about the quirky films he made for Sweet, like Rinky-Dink. He also read two new poems ‘Contingency’ and ‘To Dig’, which were published in the autumn 2019 issue of The Poetry Review. Click here to listen. ‘Contingency’ is included in A Straight Up Giant.
Two poems from A Straight Up Giant were featured online at Granta ahead of the book's publication. Read the feature here.
Tuesday 20 June 2023, 7pm BST, Live-streamed launch event with Mark Waldron, Selima Hill & guests
Mark Waldron read live from his new collection A Straight Up Giant in tandem with an exclusive prerecorded video of readings by Selima Hill from her new book Women in Comfortable Shoes. This was followed by a discussion with Mark Waldron and host Neil Astley, Bloodaxe’s editor, together with special guests Julia Copus and Wayne Holloway-Smith. This free Bloodaxe launch event was streamed on YouTube Live and is available via YouTube by clicking on the arrow below, or by going to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu-xHp85O_A
Mark Waldron: Sweet, like Rinky-Dink
Mark Waldron reads ‘Las Aves Vacías’ from Sweet, like Rinky-Dink. Video by Mark Waldron.
Mark Waldron: Live at Newcastle Poetry Festival
Mark Waldron speaks three poems from Meanwhile, Trees: ‘All My Poems Are Advertisements for Me’, ’The Dead Are Helpless’ and ‘Yes, I admit that I have ate’. This video shows part of his performance at Newcastle Poetry Festival on 6 May 2016. Filmed for Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts by Pamela Robertson-Pearce and Pete Hebden (with special thanks to Linda Anderson)
[16 January 2023]